He was a cigarette vendor at a young age. His elder sister never got married because she was too busy selling different goods in the market just so she can send his younger brother to school. Struggling to make both ends meet, this young fellow never wasted time. He gave his full self in his studies.
He graduated magna cum laude at a prestigious university here in the Philippines where he was a scholar. Got into banking and business. But success didn't always taste good and as a consequence he lost everything he had worked hard for. Still, he was determined to pick up what's left of him. And so he studied law at the age of 60, graduated magna cum laude and pass the elusive BAR exam at the age of 65. Now, amidst the turbulence that's still haunting him up to this very day, he is confident he can win them all.
The cigarette vendor i was talking about is no less than my father..............an unsung hero.